Yes, excellent customer service is really powerful growth tool for eCommerce business. Beyond question, mastery of customer service gives a high competitive edge to your brand in a crowded market. So, on this point, we’re sharing the awesome tools to set up the right foundation.

“If you do build a great experience,
customers tell each other about that.
Word of mouth is very powerful.”
– Jeff Bezos, founder of

1 The Power of Listening

Say back what you’ve heard

Right, let’s start with the most important tool. It shows that you’ve understood the most salient points and lets the sender know that the message is put on your attention and carefully evaluated.
It can be done very simply just in one sentence. Just say: “I want to make sure that I understood you correctly”. Then repeat in your own words what you think you hear.
Or ask them to explain what you don’t understand they have told you. Also, you can ask the questions when everything is clear to show your properly attention.
Always remember that your feedback must be based on understanding, even if your opinion and beliefs are different.

“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.”
– Henry Ford

2 Welcome And Appreciated Customer

The customer likes to feel that he is buying, not selling to him

Well, speaking of Psychology, one of the main features of humanity is the want be significant. The attention putted on us feeds our ego and makes us feel special, isn’t it?
People who are struggling to be of service to others, gain an extraordinary advantage. So, on social media, email, phone or person to person, etc. You must make the person feel welcomed.

“Focus on user and prefer best practices of digital marketing, and the [rest] will follow.”
– Murat Yatağan, Vice President, Growth at Brainly

Wow, it’s you!

Do not immediately get happy when you’re answering the call! Of course, respond kindly and professionally. But when you hear who is calling, then let the smile illuminate your face and spill out with your voice. Here you go! The customer will understand that you were happy to hear him. This is called “Phone Power”.
Thank you. So simple, but so powerful
It goes beyond simple courtesy. “Thank you” at the right time helps to build the trust and customers will often lead to increased business and referrals.

“For ecommerce, the most important thing is trust.”
– Jack Ma, Chinese business magnate

Key phrases:

“Thank you for taking the time to asking for us about…”
“Thank you! We look forward to serving you again the next time”
“Thank you for your order”
“Thank you for choosing us. We’re glad you’re here”
Personalize the message
In truth, we absolutely love people that are interested in us! They become close to us and we usually respond the same way on their attention, do you?
Unfortunately, many people send customers the same sample of the message. Also, many people communicate with customers on messages as if they are driving a car. They think that if you don’t see a person face to face, you can speak roughly and unkindly. We hope so, those who have done this, now will change!

Key phrases:

“Hi (Name) your order of (Product) just shipped!”
“Hello (Name), welcome back!”

3 Let The Customer Become the Part of Business

Ah, it’s a brilliant idea for you! Mobile-only bank based in the United Kingdom Monzo, lets the customer share their feedback and ideas to help the brand improve its product. Every customer loves being able to have a voice in a business! The great advantage of this are not only done it increases brand approach. It also supports Monzo to build a truly customer-based product.

4 Always Use Positive Language :)))

We can do it. It’s possible. Let’s do this 🙂 Look, here’s no stress! People have enough stress in this world, isn’t it? If you want to get their hearts, you should be the genial that grabs them stress away. Go ahead! 🙂

Key thoughts:

First, avoid sounding pushy! You don’t want your customers going to avoid you, do you? So, instead of “You‘ll have to,” say “Could you” or “Would you be able to” or “What I’ll need is…”
Use YES Instead of no. “No, because…” -> “Yes, as soon as…”
Brighten your messages with happy emoji! 🙂
Use as more as you can positive words to get the results

“I don’t know how to do this” -> “We can learn how to figure it out!”
“It’s not possible at the moment” -> “We don’t have this item at the moment. We’re happy to say, it will be able on the next week. We can place your order and make sure it will be sent to you as soon as it gets to us. Is it good for you?”
“Happy customer is a walking advertisement.”
– Kwan Harsono, founder and CEO

First, avoid sounding pushy! You don’t want your customers going to avoid you, do you? So, instead of “You‘ll have to,” say “Could you” or “Would you be able to” or “What I’ll need is…”
Use YES Instead of no. “No, because…” -> “Yes, as soon as…”
Brighten your messages with happy emoji! 🙂
Use as more as you can positive words to get the results

“I don’t know how to do this” -> “We can learn how to figure it out!”
“It’s not possible at the moment” -> “We don’t have this item at the moment. We’re happy to say, it will be able on the next week. We can place your order and make sure it will be sent to you as soon as it gets to us. Is it good for you?”
“Happy customer is a walking advertisement.”
– Kwan Harsono, founder and CEO

5 Conflict Resolution

Oh, one of the main mistakes of conflict resolution is to look for who is guilty and who is right, or who is good and who is bad… Wait! In the worst case, such issues are dealing by lawyers or professional consultants.
Please, take your responsibility – don’t lay blame others. 🙂 It’s not stylish! Instead of “It’s not my fault,” say -> “ Here’s what I can do to fix that.”

Be an expert of communication!

Ask questions, listen! Same as we talked in the first trick, rephrase what you heard to check customer understanding, and take a genuine interest in each person’s concerns.
Instead of talking about the past, talk about what you can do now and in the future. Voila! Here’s your highness communication excellence!
All in all, end the conversation with a good note. Importantly, always make sure that involved customers leave the conflict situation feeling that they have won.
To stay professional in a process, use the CARP method:
Control the situation
Acknowledge the dilemma
Refocus the conversation
Problem-solve so the customer leaves happy

Show empathy

Empathy is the key to customer support! This understanding form is dealing with all parties are happy with. In a real-time environment, demonstrating empathy needs to be the default approach.
Certain phrases to make your upset customer feel more at ease and calm down:
“I know how important the product is to you.”
“We understand your position and know how confusing it can be.”
“We know how upsetting this must be.”
“I would be so annoyed in the same situation”
“Empathy is the ultimate form of customer insight”
– Don Peppers, founding partner of Peppers & Rogers Group

Ups! Don’t forget apologize

Well, the best customer service trick is based on the knowledge of what are you apologizing for. The typical one “I’m sorry you’re upset” is not a good example of understanding the problem and doesn’t works well.
Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and imagine how the problem affected. Did they lose money or they lost trust in your products? Well understand through the context for your customer’s anger and write an apology.

6 Know How to Close a Conversation

Make sure all their needs are done

The way you respond to your customers shows how you respect them and their. Also, this is really important to maintain a close relationship for the future.

Keys phrases:

For good measure, before you end a conversation, always throw in an extra question: “Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

“Should you have any questions, please let us know”
“We would appreciate your attention to this matter”

And then:

“We’re looking forward to hear back from you”
“I hope you continue to enjoy our service!”

Bring to your attention:

  • Look at things in the eyes of customers! 
  • Feedback must be based on understanding
  • Use a personal message to create a meaningful connection
  • Let the customers feel appreciable by saying them thank you
  • Make sure that involved customers leave the conflict situation feeling that they have won
  • Words has a huge power! They can help you to create long and trusted business friendship
  • Use as more as you can positive words to get the results
  • Rephrase what you heard to check for customer understanding
  • Empathy is the key to customer support 
  • The best customer service trick is based on the knowledge of what are you apologizing for
  • Put your attention on closing conversation 

Right, do your best, enjoy and believe in your business success!

See you soon,
Dropton team

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